14 Jan 2025

When an abundance of information doesn’t help

Conflict of interest is a weird thing. It’s hard to detect and assess. Even when we can see a conflict of interest, it’s difficult to know what the conflict actually means.

When I used to be in the “anti-gold camp” (meaning, when I believed that gold should not be part of investment portfolios), I noticed that everyone that praised gold was also selling investment gold. That’s a clear conflict of interest. But just because someone sells gold, it doesn’t mean they have ulterior motives, right? On the contrary, someone who genuinely likes gold will of course sell it on their platform. (“Shocker! Milk seller thinks that milk is a good food!”)

On the other side of the marketplace we have asset managers boasting their “skin in the game.” Imagine you are asked to fly into enemy territory as a passenger on a fighter plane. The fighter pilot assures you, “I am flying right with you. I would genuinely try to keep us both alive.” The pilot isn’t lying. But taking that flight is a foolish move for most civilians. That the pilot takes the same risk as the passenger is irrelevant.

That means, making sound investment decisions boils down to knowing what you are doing. Investors need to understand the assets they invest in and decide for themselves whether they want to invest in an asset or not, how much they want to invest, etc. Fiduciary advisors can (and do) help, but the investor is the ultimate decision maker.

Academic research can potentially help, but acting based on academic research is also mired in complexity. Who funded the study? What are the researchers’ preconceived biases? Was this a “research” fabricated to prove a point, or was this done with genuine intellectual curiosity? How sound are the data and the methodologies used by the researchers? Most people cannot evaluate these. Even the conclusions of such research studies are beyond many ordinary people’s comprehension. As a result, ordinary people rely on someone else to simplify the study’s conclusion, and we are back to the same problem that we started with.

Thinking about all these reminds me of the phrase, “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” An abundance of information is available to us, and yet, it is so hard to make sound investment decisions.

An Aerial Photography of a Shipwreck on the Sea
Photo by Pok Rie

11 Jan 2025

Bollywood movies are like multi-asset portfolios

What is the composition of a typical Indian movie? Some drama or action, but often both. A few songs. A few fight sequences. Some comedy. It’s almost always a mix of everything. Leaving anything out is so uncommon that such a deviation will be talked about whenever such a movie comes out.

Why do movie makers do this? Why do they add everything to the movie even when some elements (such as comedy or fight sequences) are unnecessary for the story? Because movie making is a business, and the producers want to make money. Audiences may not like the hero’s face, but they may come in to see the heroine. Audiences may not like the songs, but they may come in for the comedy. Essentially, the producers are spreading their bets.

This is not very different from multi-asset investment portfolios. We add equity, bonds, gold, and maybe even cash. We add all that to make an “all weather” portfolio that can navigate any and all challenges that may arise in future.

If you are making a movie for one individual person to watch, you can just do what that person would enjoy. If you are making a movie for me, you can rip off songs and fights. Just give me the drama with beautiful imagery and good dialogues, and I am happy. But no one’s making a movie for just one kind of audience; they want to attract as many diverse kinds of people as they can.

Likewise, for any investment duration, there definitely is a single “winner” asset. If we put all our money in that one asset, we’ll come out with the maximum possible gain. Unfortunately, though, we cannot know that asset in advance; we can know it only after our investment duration has passed. So, in preparation for an uncertain future, we spread our bets into multiple asset classes.

Multi-asset portfolios are a compromise by definition. You could also argue that investors choose multi-asset portfolios only when they don’t have conviction in any asset class. I think Warren Buffett has an equity-only portfolio. But most of us aren’t Warren Buffett; multi-asset portfolios are the right choice for ordinary people like you and I.

4 Jan 2025

A portfolio is a composite

No one picks up a bay leaf or a star anise or a cardamom to eat. No one would consider them tasty. However, try making a biryani without them, and you’ll know how critical these spices are to a dish like biryani. It’s cliched, but these spices add up to more than their sum in a dish like biryani.

Photo credit: Gourav Sarkar from Pexels

A diversified investment portfolio is similar. You may not quite like the individual assets on their own, but you may still hold them if an asset combination is more stable or enhances growth.

Back in 2021, I looked at gold in isolation and decided that it wasn’t a great asset to invest in. In 2024, I learnt that 2 risky assets can be combined to make a portfolio that’s less risky than either of those assets! I also learnt how incredible an asset gold is when combined with equity and bonds. These learnings have led to me to change my stance.

I still cannot embrace gold 100% because it’s a speculative asset. Gold investors make money only when other investors are willing to pay a higher price for the same gold. But it’s hard to ignore the stability and growth potential that a tinge of gold adds to a portfolio.

When I think of my portfolio as a composite (that has X% equity, Y% bonds, etc.), it becomes easier to have an allocation to gold—similar to adding bay leaves and star anise to a biryani. The final output, the composite, is more important than the individual ingredients that make up the composite.

Asset Allocation Vectors by Vecteezy

Thinking of portfolios as a cooked food item also makes it clear why regular rebalancing is very important. If your dish has too much salt or too little water, you don’t just ignore it. You intervene. You bring the ingredients back to an acceptable proportion. You don’t let one ingredient spoil the entire dish. The same is true for portfolios: you don’t let one asset become too heavy or too light, lest that one asset spoils the balance of the entire portfolio.